ST. PETERSBURG, Russia - Two young men - one of them a butcher - have been arrested on suspicion of killing and dismembering a 16-year-old girl and eating parts of her body, Russian prosecutors said Wednesday.
The girl disappeared after leaving her home in St. Petersburg for school on Jan. 19, city prosecutor's spokesman Sergei Kapitonov said. He said she was killed that night, and that body parts believed to be hers were later found in plastic bags scattered around the city.
Police arrested Yuri Mozhnov, a florist, and Maxim Golovatskhikh, a street-market butcher and one-time psychiatric patient, Kapitonov said. Prosecutors believe they drowned the
girl in a bathtub, cut her body into pieces and ate some of her internal organs.
"The arrestees said they ate the girl's body parts because they were hungry," Kapitonov said. They told investigators they baked some of her insides with potatoes in a stove, he said.
They allegedly then bagged up her remains and disposed of them in garbage containers and bodies of water. He said both men are being held on suspicion of murder.
The suspects, both 19, knew the victim, and she accompanied them voluntarily to an apartment rented by another acquaintance on the day she went missing, Kapitonov said.
They were arrested Saturday, a day after plastic bags - one containing a girl's head and others holding other body parts - were found at least two separate locations, he said.
St. Petersburg news Web site fontanka.ru cited a top city prosecutor, Andrei Lavrenko, as saying investigators believe the suspects decided to kill the victim after an argument erupted between her and Golovatskikh.
Prosecutors referred to the body parts as the girl's, but Moscow-based tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda on Wednesday cited a department head at the St. Petersburg forensic medicine office, Vitaly Sysoyev, as saying they had not been positively identified as hers and that the alleged victim was still officially listed as missing. "Her father could not recognize her," Sysoyev was quoted as saying.
Kapitonov said he was unaware of such information.
Without citing a source, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that the suspects at first denied involvement. But, the newspaper said, after investigators found suspicious evidence at the apartment, they acknowledged drowning her and eating a calf muscle and part of her left hip - supposedly a Satanic practice.
Lavrenko said investigators found traces of blood when they ripped out plumbing and floorboards in the apartment, fontanka.ru reported.
Mozhnov was convicted of robbery in 2005, while accusations against Golovatskikh of murder threats and cruelty to animals were subsequently dropped, Kapitonov said. He said Golovatskikh had been treated in the past at a psychiatric hospital.
Two men, one of them a butcher, arrested on suspicion of murdering 16-year-old and eating body parts
Two young men – one of them a butcher – have been arrested on suspicion of killing a 16-year-old girl and eating parts of her body, Russian prosecutors said today.
The girl disappeared after leaving her home in St Petersburg for school on 19 January, said Sergei Kapitonov, a spokesman for the city prosecutor.
He said she was killed that night, and body parts believed to be hers were found in plastic bags scattered around the city.
Police arrested Yuri Mozhnov, a florist, and Maxim Golovatskikh, a street-market butcher and one-time psychiatric patient on Saturday, Kapitonov said.
The suspects, both 19, knew the victim, and she accompanied them voluntarily to an apartment rented by another acquaintance on the day she went missing, Kapitonov said. Prosecutors believe they drowned the girl in a bathtub.
"The arrestees said they ate the girl's body parts because they were hungry," Kapitonov said.Bags with body parts were found in at least two locations, he said. Both men are being held on suspicion of murder.
A St Petersburg news website, fontanka.ru, quoted a city prosecutor, Andrei Lavrenko, as saying investigators believed the suspects decided to kill the victim after an argument erupted between her and Golovatskikh. Lavrenko said investigators found traces of blood when they ripped out plumbing and floorboards in the apartment, the website reported.
The Moscow-based tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda reported a department head at the St Petersburg forensic medicine office, Vitaly Sysoyev, as saying the body parts had not been positively identified as the girl's, who was still officially listed as missing.
Mozhnov had been convicted of robbery in 2005, Kapitonov said, and Golovatskikh had been treated in the past at a psychiatric hospital.

MOSKOW | SURYA-Hanya dengan alasan lapar dua pria Rusia membunuh seorang gadis remaja lalu memakan beberapa bagian tubuhnya, setelah sebelumnya dimasak.
Korbannya adalah Karina Barducyan yang baru berusia 16 tahun. Ia diketahui hilang usai pulang sekolah di St Petersburg, 19 Januari. Nyatanya, saat itu ia bertemu dengan dua pria, Yuri Mozhnov, si penjual bunga, dan Maxim Golovatskikh si penjual daging.
Kedua pria yang sama-sama berusia 19 tahun ini diyakini memikat korban dan mengajaknya ke apartemen mereka di tengah kota. Di sinilah tragedi berlangsung. Mereka membenamkan Barduchyan di bak mandi. Lebih kejam lagi, mereka memotong-motong tubuh korban dan memanggangnya bersama irisan kentang. Setelah matang, tanpa beban Mozhnov dan Golovatskikh langsung memakannya.
Potongan tubuh yang tidak dimakan kemudian mereka kumpulkan dan dimasukkan dalam kantong plastic, lalu membuangnya di tempat terpisah. Potongan-potongan tubuh itulah yang membimbing polisi ke kedua pria itu. Tak butuh waktu lama bagi kedua orang itu untuk mengaku. “Mereka mengaku memakan beberapa bagian tubuh korban karena merasa lapar,” jelas juru bicara pengadilan, Sergei Kapitonov.
Dituturkan Kapitonov, sisa tubuh korban ditemukan di dua lokasi. Diyakini mereka sengaja membuangnya karena sudah tidak memerlukannya lagi.
Andrei Lavrenko, Jaksa Penuntut St Petersburg mengatakan, korban diduga dibunuh setelah cekcok dengan Golovatskikh. Pihak penyelidik menemukan jejak darah saat mereka membuka ledeng dan papan penutup lantai di apartemen mereka. Pada 2005, Mozhnov pernah merampok, sedangkan Golovatskikh lulusan rumah sakit jiwa.
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